Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Playground Infatuation

Today after our O.T. sessions we headed to a beautiful little park close to where my husband works. It's just beautiful. It's very small, but it has two playsets with slides, monkey bars, and also there's a set of swings, which is encircled by a paved jogging/walking track. On one of the play sets there are bells that have different tones when you smack them with bare hands. Vincent and I found that the bells are really loud if you smack them with a stick mallet! Beyond this playground, is a beautiful view of open vegetation followed by forest. The breeze brought loads of little dandelion fluffs floating whimsically into the air. Today was such a beautiful day. The breeze made it a perfect day to go. Vincent and I found two empty snail shells. Poor guys! But, he thought they were pretty interesting to look at. Airplanes sometimes circle over the park and I don't just mean way, way up high. We could see lots of details on the planes as they went overhead. My little boy is in all out train/airplane phase. He waved excitedly to each airplane that flew nearby. We will need to invest in a box of sidewalk chalk for my little artist; as there were masterpieces left behind already. What a great idea!

Vincent climbed on the play sets and slid down the slides. He attempted the monkey bars by himself, but screamed as he just hung there. He's still a bit too small for those yet, but nice try! He absolutely loved running around with three other little boys. I pushed him on the swings for about an entire 20 minutes. Swinging is amazing for his vestibular awareness! It's a sensory thing. I think, perhaps, it was the little girl who was being pushed by her mommy on the swing next to him that kept him so attentive. Every time the two would swing in sync, he looked over to her and giggled and made kissing noises. Sheesh. He's only two and a half! I may add that after swinging time was over, he tried to follow her around and she was not having it! Poor little guy, already being rejected by the ladies.

 And yes, that is a messy cheesy chips face.

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