Wednesday, August 31, 2011

On This Day In 2010: Aug 31

On this day in 2010, my Facebook status was:

An update on Marlena's situation: The results from the amniocentesis came back today. Her chromosome structure is normal; which rules out any genetic cause and it also rules out things like Down Syndrome. The infection study also came back negative. So the cause is not genetic or infectious, which is good news!!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

On This Day In 2010: Aug 30

 I really do love how Facebook allows us to see what our status was a year ago each day. I will be posting the interesting ones.

Of course, this one was ten days after diagnosis. I'm surprised I was already talking this way only ten days after.

On this day in 2010, my Facebook status was:

"I'm in the first stages of acceptance. She will come to us how she was intended to."